Getting Started with Acentrik: Account Registration

The Acentrik Data Marketplace is designed to facilitate cross-enterprise data exchange. Through Acentrik, enterprises - ranging from large conglomerates to small businesses - are able to monetize their data through the platform tools. Acentrik opens door to vast amounts of data across industries and domains, allowing consumers to get immeasurable insights to their own enterprise based on analyzing data assets from other enterprises.

Register for an account here and follow these step-by-step instructions for signing up on Acentrik Data Marketplace in just minutes:

Step 01: Account Info

  1. Once you access the registration page, enter your business email address. Email addresses with a non-business domain will be denied.
  2. Create a password for your account. Ensure that the password meets the defined criteria.
  3. Confirm your password and click on Continue to proceed to Step 02.

Step 02: Company Info
  1. Enter the Full Legal Name of Company.
  2. Select the Industry of your company from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Country of your company's registration from the dropdown menu. If you are unable to find your country in our list, please select "Others" and key in your country name in the populated free text field.
  4. Select the option that best describes your purpose of registering on the Acentrik Data Marketplace click on Continue to proceed to Step 03.

Step 03: Preview Info

  1. Preview your details to ensure that you have filled in the correct information.
  2. Review and Accept the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. You may also opt-in to receive promotional content related to Acentrik Data Marketplace.
  3. Once you have accepted the Terms & Conditions, click on Sign Up. You are registered!

Step 04: Verification 

1. Upon submission, you will receive a verification link on your registered business email address. 

2. Click on the link in the email to verify your account.

Note: The email verification link is only valid for 72 hours. 

If the link has expired, please follow either step to complete your registration process.

    Option 1: Request for another verification link in the previous automated email by clicking on 'Verify My Account'.

    Option 2: Repeat your registration process.

Acentrik Data Marketplace aims to facilitate reliable and quality data exchange between enterprises. Thus, registered users will also undergo KYB verification. Upon verifying your email address, your account will be pending validation and our Customer Success Team will reach out to you shortly. 

Registered users will be given data consumer and/or data provider roles on Acentrik subjected to request, allowing them to monetize the data as well as consume data published by other enterprises from other industries or sectors. 

To understand more on the user roles and access, refer to this article here.